In this section the guest can see all the important information about the hotel:

  • HOTEL* – basic information about hotel: location, contacts, how to get there etc…by text, images, slide show, videos, GPS navigations, emails, phone numbers, www site, social networks…
  • ACCOMMODATION – all important information about accommodation: rooms, suites, penthauses; descriptions of all types of rooms, suites, penthauses with text, pictures, slide shows, videos…
  • RESTAURANTS* – all important information about restaurants: number of restaurants, description of each particular: number of chairs, tables, surroundings … In description included pictures, video, slide show …
    Reservation of the place in a certain restaurant at the guest’s choice (drop down menu) through special multimedia forms.
  • WELLNESS &SPA* – description lika as restaurants

The hotel may require its own design and additional elements.