A very common occurrence in restaurants is the long wait for waiters.

The reasons are many: it is crowded, the waiter does not have time; the restaurant is large, the waiter does not see the guest; the waiter has a lot of calls, he doesn’t know what the order of those calls is etc …

Guests are waiting to order, waiting to pay the bill because they want to go out… waving their hands, getting up, gesturing, calling out loud…

Very unpleasant situations for both guests and the restaurant…

Many of these situations can be solved very easily and cheaply (in some situations, even for free, and even EARN) by DIGITAL  WAITER CALLING.


  • DIGITAL CALL waiter is a very simple system whereby the guest calls  the waiter and / or orders via his cell phone, sends him requests or  orders.
  • This platform offers incredible ADVANTAGES AND OPPORTUNITIES .
  • The guest scans with his cell phone a QR code that is anywhere on the tablet.
  • He automatically logs on to the waiter’s calling app, presses the “CALL” button and the waiter receives a call on his cellphone. The guest can to write orders on screen or can use the option to order by voice (See video examples at )

– Faster delivery of food for 5-30 minutes

– Increases the flow of guests and profit 20 – 40% in peak periods

 – Reduces the waiter response time for 5 – 15 minutes

– Reduces waiter movement to 50%

– Reduces the required number of waiters by about 50%

– The built-in advertising and actions of the day increases turnover

– The built-in sponsor advertising system generate additional revenue and repays the investment   

 – After a certain period of time, the investment is fully paid off and the platform generate CLEAN PROFIT for the restaurant

 – WOW EFFECT – guests are thrilled with the use of new technologies and speed of service    

– Statistics of the speed of waiter response, statistics total number calls and number of individual calls, waiter busyness analysis in certain periods


Guest should log in to use the platform. In addition to calling waiters and ordering, there are also Surveys and Prize games in the guest platform, as well as Advertisements, which the restaurant earns extra money from. See each section separately below.

The platform consists of 4 parts:
– Guest
– Waiter
– Admin
– Poll Generator
The functions of the first two parts are described in Logging, Work, Survey and Ads. The Admin section is used to manage the platform and track statistics, the Poll Generator is its own module for creating surveys and prize games.